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Home / Rosacea


Rosacea is a common skin disease that causes redness and swelling on the centro facial areas of the face. Rosacea is most common in women and people with fair skin. It usually starts between age 30 and 60. In recent years it is also being seen in younger men and women.
  • Frequent redness of the face, or flushing
  • Small, red lines under the skin, these are dilated capillaries
  • Red, raised eruptions
  • A swollen nose
  • Red, dry, itchy eyes
  • Thick skin, usually on the nose called ‘Rhinophyma’ is seen in chronic, long-standing untreated cases.


Environmental factors such as sun exposure, wind, sudden temperature changes, hot showers, steam and sauna can aggravate Rosacea. Dietary items such as alcohol especially red wine, caffeine, hot and spicy food and hot beverages such as tea and coffee are also known triggers. Menopause, emotional stress and premenstrual hormonal fluctuations too can aggravate Rosacea.


Application of sunscreen daily with an SPF of 30 is essential.
Light paraben-free, perfume-free moisturizers should be used to keep the skin calm.
Sometimes antibiotics are necessary; Metronidazole and Clindamycin gels are topical antibiotics that are used for mild cases. Other times, oral antibiotics can be tetracycline and erythromycin group of drugs can be used for se vere cases.
Topical steroid creams very rapidly reduce redness and swelling of the face but their use is recommended only in very severe cases for a very short period of time of about a week under a Dermatologists supervision. Steroid creams should not be used routinely on a long-term basis as this is detrimental to both rosacea as well as your skin and will eventually worsen the condition and the redness


As Rosacea, is a chronic condition with phases of clearance and flareups, understanding the triggers and avoiding them meticulously will go a long way to prevent flare-ups. Once the patient has achieved control over rosacea, one must understand that the skin continues to be prone to irritation. and therefore one must steer clear of the temptation of using products and continue to use their sunscreens and moisturizers regularly. Cosmetic camouflage and mineral-based makeup may be used to mask the redness. A diary must be maintained keeping a record of when the flare-ups happen.


The skin bumps may get better quickly, but redness and flushing take longer to improve. Some people find that green-tinted makeup is good for hiding the skin’s redness. Once you have achieved control over Rosacea one can consider light treatments such as IPL to reduce the redness and improve the texture of the skin.
Ablative radio frequency or surgical excision of residue thickened unwanted tissue is an option for patients with thickened skin or a swollen, bumpy nose called Rhinophyma.
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