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Hair Transplant In Nagpur

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hair transplant In Nagpur

Hair loss problems can be caused due to several different reasons. While the process is curable and reversible in many cases, there are instances when new hair growth refuses to grow due to permanent damage to follicles and the scalp. These are the situations when Hair Transplant comes to the rescue. Due to modern technology, hair transplant surgery has made hair restoration possible. But, before you opt for a hair transplant one must know which hair transplant treatment is the most suitable for them. There are a lot of different hair transplant surgeries being offered by various different clinics and doctors.

Hair Transplantation is a popular procedure for growing permanent natural hair on bald areas of head. Usually people grow bald in front and on top of the head but the hair at the very back of head are virtually never lost. Some of this permanent hair of back are removed along with their root and grafted (transplanted) in the front bald area. The transplanted hair starts growing after 4 months and is permanent. They can be washed , cut and styled like your natural hair. Special Advanced Modern Follicular Unit extraction techniques are used-therefore there is no baldness in back from where the hair is taken.
Strike out the words “baldness”, “thinning hair” and “receding hairline” from your vocabulary. Enjoy a full head of strong, healthy, well anchored hair with our advanced techniques. Popular Services
  • FUE Hair Transplant
  • Bio Enhanced Hair Transplant
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  • Hair Transplant For Women

3 Types of Hair Transplant:

• Scalp Reduction:

Scalp reduction is one of the earliest hair transplantation methods. During this process, the scalp from the balding area is surgically removed. Most of the time, the area removed is from the crown or the top of the head. Post removal, the scalp area that bears hair is stretched over to cover and replace the patch that has been removed. The process is suitable mainly for people who have a good quantity of hair on the back and sides of the scalp. Today though, scalp reduction is not often used due to the more advanced FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures.

Follicular Unit of Hair Transplantation:

FUT stands for Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation are takes place through an intrusive medium. Follicular units are hair groupings as they occur naturally on the scalp and typically contain 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs. It begins with the doctor cutting a strip of tissue from the scalp, before cutting it into thousands of follicular units. These units are then strategically placed around the head after the doctor has created holes with recipient sites around the affected, bald areas. By means of the removal of a thin strip of scalp from the back of the patient’s head, hair follicles are taken from a donor area that is not susceptible to balding and dissected into individual grafts. They are then transplanted to the balding area of the scalp. As one can probably assume from the above, FUT is a very complicated technique although has the potential for some very fulfilling results.

Follicular Unit Extraction:

The other method is the FUE method of hair transplantation Follicular Unit Extraction. It involves taking the individual Follicular Unit grafts from the back of the head one by one by cutting around it through a tiny specialized instrument or robotic machine and removing the hair follicles. The process can be tedious and will takes a few hours but is painless after a few numbing injections are given. Once removed from the donor area, the follicular unit is then transplanted.

What happens during a hair transplant?

After thoroughly cleaning your scalp, a surgeon uses a small needle to numb an area of your head with local anesthesia. Two main techniques are used to obtain follicles for transplantation: FUT and FUE.

In follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

  1. The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The incision is typically several inches long.
  2. This is then closed with stitches.
  3. The surgeon next separates the removed portion of the scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. When implanted, these sections will help achieve natural-looking hair growth.

In follicular unit extraction (FUE) the hair follicles are cut out directly from the back of the head through hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions.

  1. The surgeon makes tiny holes with a blade or needle in the area of your scalp that’s receiving the hair transplant. They gently place hairs in these holes.
  2. During one treatment session, a surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs.
  3. After, the graft, gauze, or bandages will cover your scalp for a few days.

A hair transplant session can take four hours or more. Your stitches will be removed about 10 days after surgery. You may require up to three or four sessions to achieve the full head of hair you desire. Sessions occur several months apart to allow each transplant to fully heal.


During the consultation, the exact extent of your baldness and
quality of your hair will be assessed. The number of grafts required and where they will be placed is planned.


Routine blood tests are advised. You will be given the consent forms for signing and will be given detailed pre-operative instruction in writingf grafts required and where they will be placed is planned.


You report at the clinic in the morning of surgery. Local anaesthesia is injected in the area of graft extraction with the help of very fine needle , cool sense and vibration technique. This makes the entire hair transplant almost painless for your comfort. First step of the surgery is extraction of grafts by FUE. There are no sutures , no stitches your grafts are taken and stored in special nourishing solutions. There are lunch & tea breaks in between to keep your comforts. This ensures 100% comfort for you. Individual GRAFTS (not hair of follicles) are then planted in the desired area. We use special instrument called implanters for it. Your grafts are not touched at any stage from live parts during the entire hair transplant. The whole care and jolly atmosphere and local anaesthesia keeps you very comfortable during the entire procedure.


A small dressing will be there on the back of your head which you can remove yourself after 2 days.


New hair are very small so you look the same as before the surgery. Implanted roots start growing new hair after completion of 4 months and keep growing at the rate of 1cm (averagely) per month. Final look and density is achieved by the end of one year.
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