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Skin Tightening

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Skin Tightening

Nonsurgical skin tightening procedures are cosmetic treatments to change the look of your face and your stomach. These procedures are far less invasive than surgical options, like facelifts and tummy tucks, and some people claim they can produce similar results. There are also fewer complication risks, it’s less expensive, and recovery is simple.
These treatments are based on newer technologies. That means that there’s still a gap in research to understand how effective they are, and what the long-term side effects might be.

Types of skin tightening treatments

When you’re born, your skin is rich with proteins called elastin and collagen. These proteins give your skin structure and elasticity. As you age, your body’s production of these proteins slows down. As a result, your skin starts to lose its elasticity.
Thanks to gravity, pollution exposure, stress, and the hundreds of movements that your facial muscles make every day, your skin might start to appear stretched or saggy. Other factors, such as pregnancy and weight loss, can also contribute to stretch marks and sagging skin.
Nonsurgical skin tightening treatments target areas of your skin that have become loose and stimulate collagen production underneath that skin. The two main types of treatment are:
  • in-office procedures performed by a trained provider
  • at-home devices you can use to give yourself treatment
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