Cozmoderm Clinic | Best Dermatology Clinic For Skin and Hair Care In Nagpur
DoctorSelect DoctorDr Ankit Agrawal
SpecialitySelect SpecialityHair Transplant
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GenderSelect GenderMaleFemaleOther
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For how long have you been suffering from hair loss(in Months)?
Is it continuous or intermittent?ContinuousIntermittent
How much hair do you lose per day?
Do you have any skin allergy?
How are you presently dealing with your hair loss?(Current Treatment)OilShampooSolutionTabletsAyurvedicHomeopathyNone
Do you Suffer from any of the skin disorder?PsoriasisDandruffItchingNone
Family History who suffered hair loss?FatherBrotherUncle(Paternal)Grandfather(Paternal)MotherSisterUncle(Maternal)Grandfather(Maternal)Other
What do you think has caused your hair loss?
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