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Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to brighten your smile, teeth whitening is a great option. Our clinic offers both in – office and take – home whitening treatments to help you achieve a whiter, brighter smile. Our treatments are safe and effective, and can give you a smile that’s up to eight shades whiter. With the advancements that have been accomplished in cosmetic teeth whitening, getting noticeably whiter teeth with lasting results is easier than ever. Tooth whitening can be an exceptionally compelling method of lightening the natural color of your teeth without taking away any of the tooth surfaces. It can’t make a complete color change, yet it might lighten the existing shade.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments offering a quick, non-invasive and affordable way to enhance a smile.  Universally valued by men and women alike, whitening (or bleaching) treatments are available to satisfy every budget, time frame and temperament. Whether in the form of professionally administered one-hour whitening sessions at a dental office or cosmetic spa, or home-use bleaching kits purchased at your local drugstore, solutions abound.

Virtually everyone who opts for a teeth whitening solution sees moderate to substantial improvement in the brightness and whiteness of their smile. That said, it’s not a permanent solution to discoloration and requires maintenance or “touch-ups” for a prolonged effect.

  1. Up to 8 shades whiter: Teeth whitening has the power to immediately make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter after one simple treatment procedure within an hour.
  2. Minimal Irritation: Cosmetic teeth whitening is a pain-free process and requires no numbing agents or anesthetics beforehand.

What does tooth whitening involve?

Proficient bleaching is the most common technique of tooth whitening. First, the dental team will put a rubber shield or a gel on your gums to shield them. They will then apply the whitening item to your teeth, utilizing a specially made tray that fits into your mouth like a mouthguard.

The ‘active ingredient’ in the item is typically hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. As the active ingredient is separated, oxygen gets into the enamel on the teeth and the tooth color is made lighter.


How long do the teeth stay whiter?

The impacts of whitening usually last up to three years. Nevertheless, this will differ from person to person. The impact is less likely to last as long if you smoke, or eat or drink items that can stain your teeth.


Teeth whitening treatments are considered to be safe when procedures are followed as directed. However, there are certain risks associated with bleaching that you should be aware of:

  • Sensitivity: Bleaching can cause a temporary increase in sensitivity to temperature, pressure and touch. This is likeliest to occur during in-office whitening, where higher-concentration bleach is used. Some individuals experience spontaneous shooting pains (“zingers”) down the middle of their front teeth. Individuals at greatest risk for whitening sensitivity are those with gum recession, significant cracks in their teeth or leakage resulting from faulty restorations. It has also been reported that redheads, including those with no other risk factors, are at particular risk for tooth sensitivity and zingers. Whitening sensitivity lasts no longer than a day or two, but in some cases may persist up to a month. Some dentists recommend a toothpaste containing potassium nitrate for sensitive teeth.
  • Gum irritation: Over half of those who use peroxide whiteners experience some degree of gum irritation resulting from the bleach concentration or from contact with the trays. Such irritation typically lasts up to several days, dissipating after bleaching has stopped or the peroxide concentration lowered.
  • Technicolor teeth: Restorations such as bonding, dental crowns or veneers are not affected by bleach and therefore maintain their default color while the surrounding teeth are whitened. This results in what are frequently called “technicolor teeth.”

Maintaining Your Results

To extend the longevity of newly whitened teeth, dentists are likely to recommend:

  • At-home follow-up or maintenance whitening – implemented immediately or performed as infrequently as once a year.
  • Avoid dark-colored foods and beverages for at least a week after whitening.
  • Whenever possible, sip dark-colored beverages with a straw.
  • Practicing excellent oral hygiene – brushing and flossing after meals and at bedtime.
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